Friday, June 19, 2020

Self-Esteem Essay - Obedience - Free Essay Example

Alexandra L. Locsin A56 Aug 18/10 Writing Task: Self-Esteem Essay Obedience [pic] Obedience A person is defined according to his or her own manners, good moral values and right conduct. All of these say so much about a person’s personality. It is because of her personality she could be treated fairly and looked up to because of how she treats other people. Ones personality could bring her to the top and conquer all that gets in the way. One important value a person could possess is obedience. Obedience is when you learn to follow rules and treat these rules as a treasure for success. There are so many rules that each and every one of us should follow. One of these rules comes from our own parents. Our parents nurtured us from day one. All their sweat and hard work are for us, their children. For this, we too should treat them right and by simply obeying to their rules as our parents; it makes them feel secured that nothing wrong would ever happen to us. Their rules are pro bably even the most important and simplest of them all. Some of them may be letting them know where we are and who we are with or coming home on or before the time they told us to come home and even helping our siblings with the household chores. Also, respecting them and putting ourselves in the right position is a simple sign of obedience. As for Filipinos like us, learning how to address the elders with â€Å"po† or â€Å"opo† is already a sign of obedience. When we learn to follow these and not whine about what the elders are telling us, we could say that we are obedient daughters or sons. As teenagers, it is our obligation and right to come to school. In our schools, we also have so much rules to follow, may it be in our classrooms or in the whole campus. When our professor tells us to search for some sources for our paper or bring certain materials for our project and we do it, it is a sign of obedience. When our classmate asks for our favor to do a certain part of our group project and we do it, it also is a sign of obedience. These are just the simplest form of obedience in school. Sometimes, we may even have to follow even bigger and more complex rules such as those that our student handbook states. Following the dress code, respecting our professor in and out of the classroom, not cutting classes, staying away from off-limit places and not bullying our schoolmates are some of those campus rules that we have to follow. When we do, we are obviously obedient students and we should be proud of this. We all belong to a certain community and it is important that we work as one to create a difference in our society. If I, for one, follow all rules and regulations that our community dictates, then in my simplest way I am helping in creating or starting a change. This helps a lot because if other people see that the change I have started is slowly making a difference then they too may start a change themselves. Through this we all ar e working as individuals and together as one to create the biggest change of all. This is a sign that people in our community are obedient. It is because of our obedience that the world is progressing and is gradually changing to its best. We all should be obedient to anyone in our surroundings; obedient to our parents, to our professors, to the leaders in our society and basically, to anyone. It is also important that we know when we should be obedient. If you are asked to do something wrong or improper then obviously it is alright to forget about being obedient. Yet if we are asked to do something right, then put yourself in a much better place and simply do what’s asked of you. This is not hard to do especially when it gives other people a good impression of you. So basically, when I am trying to say is that being obedient is really important and we should never forget about it. We always should know why we should be obedient, to whom should we be obedient and when s hould we be obedient. Let’s just say that possessing this value says a lot about who we are and it is important for other people to see it so that we would have a good impression on anyone and that people may want to be friends with us and influenced by us. Se

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