Monday, May 18, 2020

A Research Study On International Business Studies Essay

OVERVIEW Area of Research Interest - Sadly, terrorism now permeates everyday life around the world, and the intensifying impact of terrorism on international business is a phenomenon with implications for both theory and practice. My area of research study is how international businesses apply past terrorism experience creating organizational resilience to absorb, endure and bounce back from future terrorist attacks. Table 1 - Synopsis of Two Research Papers in Resilience to Terrorism Title Attribute Relationships, layoffs, and organizational resilience airline industry responses to 9/11 Another day, another dollar: Enterprise resilience under terrorism in developing countries Author(s)/(Date) Gittell, J. H., Cameron, K., Lim, S., Rivas, V. (2006) Branzei, O., Abdelnour, S. (2010) Journal Title The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Journal of International Business Studies Research Approach Quantitative – single event driven Quantitative - natural experiment 4 year span Data Collection/ Analysis Publically available longitudinal data with regression analysis Publically available data, surveys, interviews, sampling with regression analysis Research Design Causal Causal Primary Theory Resilience and Relationship Theory Entrepreneurship Model Type Conceptual - Linear Conceptual - Multi-stage Path and # Hypotheses Single Path and 2 Hypotheses Multiple Paths and 9 Hypotheses Dependent Variable Organizational Resilience Organizational Resilience andShow MoreRelatedStandardization in International Marketing Strategy Is Doomed to Failure: Literature Review and Methodological Critique1577 Words   |  7 PagesStandardization in International Marketing Strategy is doomed to failure: Literature review and methodological critique. 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