Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Business Emirates Airline organization in Dubai

Question: Discuss about the International Business Emirates Airline organization. Answer: Overview of the firm: Emirates is a Dubai based Airline organization that provides high quality air transport services. It was established in the year of 1985 with the goal of becoming the largest air transport organization of the entire globe. Presently, the employee size of the organization is over 50,000 ( 2017). It allows Emirates to become the largest airline company present in the Middle East market. Products offerings: The weekly operation program of Emirates includes more than 3,000 flights across 70 countries in more than 140 destinations (Zeffane 2012). The organization has established its branches in all six continents. It has two divisions including Emirates SkyCargo and Emirates Executive for different income group customers. Emirates has also focused on adding value to the provided services by including high quality catering, in-flight entertainment system, information communication entertainment (ICE) for achieving greater success in the market. Current marking situation: Emirates were established in structure and scale as a globally influential tourism organization. The organization has always focused on developing customer friendly services for achieving success in the market. It has also utilized aggressive marketing strategies like sponsorships and advertisements for providing in-depth information to all potential customers regarding the service quality of the organization (Gupta et al. 2012). As a business entity, Emirates has always focused on providing something extra to the customers for achieving service excellence in the market. As a result, it has allowed the organization to establish business in total 152 destinations. In addition, Emirates is looking to enhance its reach even further for achieving greater success in the market. SWOT analysis: Strengths: Emirates possesses strong brand name as one of the biggest airline organization of the entire globe (Noack 2014). The supreme quality of services has allowed emirates to satisfy customers for considerable amount of time. Emirates have already established its presence in all six continents of the globe. Weaknesses: The business structure of Emirates heavily depends on the international traffic moving. Therefore, it has not focused too much on the domestic air transport market, which has allowed other organizations to capture the market. Increasing cost of maintenance is another weakness of Emirates that restricting the profit level somewhat. Opportunities: Emirates have the opportunity to expand its business even further in different countries for enhancing the revenue level even further. It can also focus on improving the quality of fleet and leverage for enhancing the confidence and trust level of the customers even further. Threats: Increasing competition in the airline sector is among the prime threats for Emirates. Organizations like Qatar Airways, Etihad Airways and Jet Airways have also expanded at a rapid rate over the sustain period of time (Goby and Nickerson 2012). Changing rules and regulations of governments in different countries also creates massive threats for Emirates to conduct business internationally. In addition, Emirates have also faced challenges in coping up with the increasing cost of fuels, which can affect the overall profit level in near future. Current segmentation: Emirates have tried to segregate the entire market based on five key factors such as type of traveler, value, motivation, travel pattern, frequency and buying pattern. In type of traveler section, Emirates have focused on assessing whether individuals are leisure traveler, business traveler, religious traveler or others. In value section, Emirates focus on segregating the customers based on willingness to pay (Kemp, Madsen and El-Saidi 2013). It allows Emirates to identify high price customers and low price customers effectively. Motivation factor, Emirates focuses on assessing the reason for people travel decision. It also helps Emirates to identify how frequently people are likely to avail the services of the organization. Finally, it focuses on dividing customers based online and offline purchase pattern. Positioning: The business structure of Emirates has always focused on targeting middle class or upper middle class section for fulfilling business objectives. For that reason, it has always kept the average price level high from other airline organization (McAdam et al. 2013). The business procedure of Emirates has focused on achieving service excellence for keeping the revenue at the expected level. It has also tried to include specific country culture according to the route of flights so that customers can have good time during travel. Suitable countries for business: Bloomberg has named a list of 20 countries as the best emerging markets for Emirates based on the data provided by World Bank and IMF forecast ( 2017). The list was dominated by Asia countries followed by few Lat American and African counties. The top three suitable countries for Emirates business is as follows: China Chile South Africa Out of these countries, Emirates can focus on repositioning itself in the Chinese market, as it represents one of the large markets in the entire globe. Moreover, Chinese government has managed to keep the inflation rate under control, which is likely to create positive impact on the business procedure. Recommendation: Product: Emirates have focused on maintaining mixed fleet in their product portfolio with the Airbuses and Boeing wide body aircraft. It will allow both domestic and international Chinese passengers to avail the service of the company. Moreover, it has focused on providing intangible products like hotel services, holiday package and even car rental, which will definitely help to increase popularity in the Chinese market. Price: Conducting business in Chinese market will allow Emirates to increase the number of weekly international flights even further. As a result, it will allow Emirates to deviate from their premium pricing strategy to somewhat. It has been assessed that Emirates already initiated different steps for utilizing different price level for enhancing the revenue level. Moreover, China will also likely to provide massive domestic market for Emirates for fulfilling business objectives. Place: By repositioning in Chinese market, Emirates can able to enlarge its current fleet size. Moreover, China is among the most popular tourist destinations, as people from different parts of the world visit on regular basis. Hence, it will help Emirates to increase the global network in a huge manner. Promotion: Emirates can use different aggressive marketing strategies for achieving success in the Chinese market. Emirates will have to focus on social media and digital platforms for providing maximum information regarding the services. Moreover, it will also have to focus on using advertisements, promotional campaign and sponsorship programs for fulfilling business objectives. Conclusion: With the delivery of high quality services, Emirates have already achieved major share of the market. Still, it will have to focus on enhancing the service quality with the inclusion of different factors for keeping customers satisfied. It will also have to assess all the external factors related to airline business for countering market related challenges effectively. References:, 2017.The Top 20 Emerging Markets. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 May 2017]., 2017. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 May 2017]. Goby, V.P. and Nickerson, C., 2012. Introducing ethics and corporate social responsibility at undergraduate level in the United Arab Emirates: An experiential exercise on website communication.Journal of business ethics,107(2), pp.103-109. Gupta, V.K., Yayla, A.A., Sikdar, A. and Cha, M.S., 2012. Institutional environment for entrepreneurship: evidence from the developmental states of South Korea and United Arab Emirates.Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship,17(03), p.1250013. Kemp, L.J., Madsen, S.R. and El-Saidi, M., 2013. The current state of female leadership in the United Arab Emirates.Journal of Global Responsibility,4(1), pp.99-112. McAdam, R., Keogh, W., Ahmed El Tigani, A. and Gardiner, P., 2013. An exploratory study of business excellence implementation in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) public sector: management and employee perceptions.International Journal of Quality Reliability Management,30(4), pp.426-445. Noack, S., 2014.Business Guide: Doing Business in Dubai the United Arab Emirates: Start Your Business Now!. BoDBooks on Demand. Zeffane, R., 2012. Gender and youth entrepreneurial potential: evidence from the United Arab Emirates.International Journal of Business and Management,8(1), p.60.

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