Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Incarceration Of Prison Incarceration - 995 Words

Since the begging of any form of judicial system there has been some way to hold those who break the law. Prisons have never been something that held a positive ideal, to most people they are dark, grey, and clinical. Differing opinions on how to treat prisoners have been around probably just as long as prisons themselves. However, because of recent increase in prison populations as well as the tightening of the laws, treatment of prisoners has gone from rehabbing them to just locking them down and leaving them there to rot. Not only do I think that rehabilitation is a vastly better system, treating them as cretins just makes them worse off than when they went in. In the late 70’s and early 80’s the attitude towards prison was rehabilitation. They were provided with education and vocational skills, prisoners could receive Pell grants, and education was not just accepted it was encouraged. Recidivism rates were much lower back then, even with less prison population. When they were let out they’d had the knowledge to have their own life and the skills to get a job. The incentive to go back to crime was much lower, they could get honest pay. Then during the latter half of the decade the United States sees an increase in prison population, not totally unexpected with the rise in population, and a stricter mentality towards punishment. Offenders were receiving tougher sentences with little likelihood of parole, creating an environment that did not give prisoners incentive toShow MoreRelatedThe Incarceration Of Prison Incarceration1288 Words   |  6 PagesPer the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), nearly 50% of current inmates are jailed for nonviolent offenses (Federal Bureau of Prisons, n.d.). Almost 68% (two-thirds) of inmates return to prison within three years of being released, and 77% (three-quarters) were arrested within five years of leaving (Topic, n.d.). These numbers are staggering and seem to go largely ignored by mainstream media an d the public. Most of them view people in prison as deserving of it and see no need to offer them (prisoners)Read MoreThe Incarceration Of Prison Rates Essay1435 Words   |  6 Pageswas 32 months and in 2002 it jumped to a minimum of 53 months (Incarceration and Crime). We focus heavily on severity and longer incarceration rates; the idea is that a 10% increase in incarceration would lead to a 1.6%-5.5% decrease in crime (Lieka 2006) but this is not true. Prison rates have increased tenfold since 1970 and yet the crime rates have not dropped near those percents.The leading argument against increase in incarceration uses other states as examples of how ineffective it is; for exampleRead MoreThe Incarceration Of Women Prisons1298 Words   |  6 PagesWomen Incarceration in US prisons Incarceration of women in United States prisons due to drugs-related cases is increasing at an alarming rate. Incarceration serves as one of the main punishment and rehabilitation of drugs-related offenses. While some are in to drugs abuse and trade willingly, others are innocently involved. It could be because of being used to distribute on behalf of their husbands or boyfriends, or even by simply living with people who are involved in the trade. In fact, 70% areRead MoreIncarceration Of Prison And Prisoners869 Words   |  4 PagesFor many years, people with knowledge and statistical results and data, drew to logical conclusion that prison has become a revolving door and the ones who study how prison and prisoners acted that prisons were replacing mental hospitals. â€Å"On any indictment or presentment for a misdemeanor, process shall be issued immediately.   If the accused appear and plead to the charge, the trial shall proceed without delay, unless good cause for continuance be shown.   If, in any misdemeanor case the accusedRead MoreIncarceration: Prison and Inmates10532 Words   |  43 Pagessystem is authorized to confine persons convicted of crimes. This confinement, whether before or after a criminal conviction, is called incarceration. Incarceration is one of the main forms of punishment for the commission of illegal offenses. Juveniles and adults alike are subject to incarceration. Incarceration is the detention of a person in a jail or prison. The federal, state, and local governments have facilities to confine people. Individuals awaiting trial, being held pending citationsRead MoreThe Incarceration Of Prison Policy913 Words   |  4 Pagesprovoking more violence and causing mental deterioration. Some prisoners may even end up spending an entire life sentence in solitary confinement, which defeats the purpose of rehabilitation. It is often viewed as a mere act of torture. According to the Prison Policy Organization, â€Å"An estimated 56 percent of state prisoners, 45 percent of federal prisoners, and 64 percent of jail inmates have a mental health problem† (Mental). Most inmates need help, not to just be locked away and kept apart from the worldRead MoreThe Incarceration Of The Prison Policy Institute1369 Words   |  6 Pages Attention TIA Credibility Thesis/ Topic statement INTRODUCTION I. According to the prison policy Institute there are currently 2.4 million Americans incarcerated in the United States with nearly 40% of that number being drug related offenses. Further the United states only makes up five percent of the worlds population, but we make up 25% of the worlds prison population and if you factor in the 40% of that 25% being drug offenders you can see that nearly a tenth of the worlds incarcerated areRead MoreThe Incarceration Of Prison Policy1418 Words   |  6 PagesGenerally, prison policy might lack saliency among most individuals. Prison policy seems to have that pattern where it is significant to some and not to others; that is also relevant in states because of their variety in issues. Prison legislation is like most legislation relevant to whom it affects. In this situation we see that prison overcrowding bothers a majority of inmates, some of the courts, and the states. Inmates do not vote, so it is understandable that congress lacks interest. In mostRead MoreThe Incarceration Of The Prison System943 Words   |  4 Pageslarge cutback in the rehabilitation programs in prisons. Many say it is useless and that the inmates deserve to be in there. The message has been pretty clear that they do not care if an inmate changes or not (Evans D. Hopkins). However, inmates lives do matter, and without someone teaching them the steps to change and giving them a proper education, there will definitely be no hope for them in the end. Due to the federal criminality inside the prison systems, it is vital that there are strong rehabilitationRead MoreIncarceration Of The United States Prisons3165 Words   |  13 PagesStates prison population has expanded at an increasingly rapid rate over that past several decades. Each day, more and more criminal offenders are sent to prisons; most of which were designed to house fewer inmates but are now packed to their limits. This â€Å"mass- incarceration era† as many scholars and commentato rs of the Criminal Justice System call it, is a result of several key issues that have created an environment within the correctional system that forces many inmates to serve longer prison sentences

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